Category Archives: Blog

Count Yogi

Greetings Golfers,

Have you ever heard of Count Yogi? He was a golfer – a trick shot artist, and a very good player. I bought his book in the 70’s and didn’t know what to think of it – I still don’t.

Just finished watching a video where the Count makes about a 5 foot putt using crazy putters, a stick, a spatula, a cane, etc … it goes on and on as he putts between his legs, while kneeling, etc. Check it out on YouTube. This isn’t a recent video – it was filmed in 1960.

The Count claimed to have 55 holes-in-one, to have averaged 67 for 203 rounds in 1940 playing either right handed or left handed, many course records with scores in the 50’s, and other incredible feats of golf prowess.

What I do know, is that his name was Harry Hilary Xavier Frankenberg. He was half-American Indian, and the PGA Tour bylaws in those years had a Caucasian-only clause … maybe that’s why he’s not a household name. Here’s his secret to golf: “I keep the swing simple and think of only being relaxed, graceful, and smooth.”

See why I don’t know what to think?

No matter how crazy all of this seems – and whether it’s true or not – I did watch him sink all of those putts … and I have seen video of his beautiful golf swing. Those of you familiar with my rants, know how much I dislike the modern, robotic approach to golf. The Count seems to be a real life version of the golf guru.

I want to believe in Count Yogi – I just hope he’s not golf’s version of Santa Claus.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

Good Bye Metrodome


This February the Metrodome will be torn down. It opened in April of 1982 – so it had a run of over 30 years. That’s pretty amazing considering that it was a pretty brutal facility.

I know – it was home to a lot of great Minnesota sports memories … especially the 1987 World Series. I honestly never thought I would see a Minnesota team win a world championship. The pain of being a fan of the Twins, Vikings, and North Stars through ’60’s and ’70’s had hardened my heart.

And “The Dome” is the only facility to host the MLB All Star Game, the World Series, the Super Bowl, and the Final Four. That’s pretty incredible.

But, it came at quite a price. The Minnesota Gophers’ football team left the U of M campus to play downtown. I believe that not only did the dome hasten the demise of Gopher Football, but it also really negatively affected the campus atmosphere of the university. Everybody’s talking about the resurgence of the U of M … yeah … and they have football back on campus – maybe a correlation there?

Not only was Gopher football affected, but Vikings’ football really changed. The Vikings had the best tailgating in the NFL at Met Stadium in Bloomington. And people talk about the dome home field advantage… the Vikings never lost outside at “The Met.” Was it cold? Yeah – I sometimes wore a sleeping bag. But it was great – really great.

And the Twins. Summer nights at the old Met watching Major League Baseball … the days of Carew, Oliva, Killebrew, Mantle, Yaz, Kaline … don’t let me go on – I won’t stop. Sure, the Twins won two World Series at the “Homer Dome,” but when the Twins weren’t winning, the fans weren’t coming. The last three years the Twins have been horrific, but they still fill Target Field.

Architecture is important. Look at the incredible ancient cities of Europe adorned with magnificent buildings. Even cities in the States like Charleston and Savannah are beautiful because of the gorgeous architecture of long ago. Some of our cities in the American West are about as attractive as the Metrodome. I don’t say that to be cruel – it’s just a short-sighted philosophy in action. Good things are built to last. The Metrodome was built to be torn down.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

A Very Happy New Year

Greetings Golfers,

How are you coming with your New Year’s Resolutions?

Don’t get defensive … I’m not trying to run your life. But, most of us do need to work on a few things.

Actually, I have a pretty long list … but I’ve learned not to take on too much (I’m pretty good at rationalizing). So, here’s one that’s staying on my final list: “Just think positive thoughts while playing golf.”

I can hear you laughing. Sounds pretty trite and ridiculous. Though I love to play golf, I can get really frustrated, and get pretty negative. Does that negative attitude help my game? Not so much. How about my enjoyment of the game – does the negative attitude help that? Again – not so much. Then what’s the point? Why be negative?

Well … it is hard to justify. In fact talking about it is kind of embarrassing. What happens, is that it feels like God or the gods of golf have turned on me – that they want me to suffer. Then I get mad and want to fight back. Who? Fight whom? Maybe if I squeeze the club really hard and swing really fast … yeah – that’s real helpful.

Every year we watch “Christmas Vacation” … not “White Christmas” or “It’s a Wonderful Life”, but “Christmas Vacation”. Do you remember the scene where Chevy Chase is unsuccessfully plugging in his Christmas lights and goes crazy? He starts to kick and punch the yard ornament reindeer and Santa – he snaps – the gods have turned against him. Sometimes golf makes me feel like that … ok – a lot of the time.

That was last year. Oh, I might get that tinge of frustration … but I’m going to shift gears into being Mr. Positive.

Can’t wait.

Happy New Year,


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

Heroes or Celebrities

Greetings Golfers,

People need heroes. We need to be inspired. Life gets tough and the example of a hero can be really helpful.

But what is a hero? I think we’ve gotten confused with thinking that celebrities are heroes. Maybe a hero becomes a celebrity, but being a celebrity doesn’t make someone a hero.

A hero does something heroic. A celebrity does something to become famous. Kim Kardashian – celebrity. A good samaritan who pulls a drowning kid out of frigid water – hero.

In 1962 Dan Boorstein wrote a book “The Image: or Whatever Happened to the American Dream”. In the book he said “ Images now replace ideals.”

The goalie for the Wild – Josh Harding – is a hero. Not because he’s a professional hockey player, but because he has MS and is fighting to keep his job. His spirit – not his talent is what makes him a hero.

Celebrities are the latest fad. Heroes endure. There’s nothing wrong with getting a kick out of celebrities… but a society is in trouble if celebrities take the place of heroes.

Celebrities are usually the recipient of God-given gifts… the hero is the one who overcomes the odds to do the right thing.

Heroes are admired for bravery, nobility, honor, and character. Celebrities are admired for beauty and talent.

There’s room for both… I just don’t want to see celebrities become our idols instead of heroes.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

Winter Wonderland

Greetings Golfers,

It’s here. This is not a mirage or a tease. Winter has arrived.

I don’t know how it sneaks up on me every year – how can this be a surprise?

And what about “balance”?  I’m slowly understanding the need for balance in my life… but this weather seems pretty extreme. And, I don’t want it balanced with super hot weather next summer. I guess I’m looking for moderation.

When teaching the golf swing, I tried to get the student to understand how to hit big slices and big hooks at will. Sometimes they’d resist and say “This is crazy – I already hit wild shots – I want to hit it straight.” Then I’d try to explain that through learning how to hit extreme shots, they would learn how to hit straights shows – that’s how they’d find control and moderation.

They hit wild shots… but they didn’t know why. You can’t be in control if you don’t know why.

Well, Mother Nature is in control of the weather. And I’m sure she knows why it’s so cold. I don’t. That’s why it’s always a surprise to me every winter. I just know that the seasons change.  And because I’m not in control, I just react. But, I do want to be in control of my golf swing… I don’t like it when my shots are a “surprise”.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional         

President Kennedy

Greetings Golfers,

For those of us of a certain age, we all remember where we were when President Kennedy was killed. Fifty years ago tomorrow, I was in 3rd grade when the awful news came over the classroom loudspeaker. That night my Cub Scout Pack Meeting was cancelled – the whole country went into shock – everything stopped.

I know this is a golf newsletter … but I have been known to get off topic. How’s this for a save: “Golf Digest” magazine rated JFK the best golfer of all American Presidents. Even though he had a bad back, he supposedly had a sweet swing.

Most of the Presidents of the 1900’s played golf – usually not well – Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower were the most avid. In fact, Ike’s love of golf and Arnold Palmer’s magnetism combined to bring golf to the masses in the 1950’s.

Then after Eisenhower, Kennedy was elected President in 1960 to lead America into a new, youthful, dynamic era. But on November 23, 1963 that hope was ended. Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson took the reigns.

History is still confused about the ensuing years: Viet Nam, the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, the Civil Rights Movement, LBJ’s Great Society, the Moon Landing, Chappaquiddick, Richard Nixon, Watergate. The ten years after President Kennedy’s assassination were chaotic and ended with Watergate.

I read somewhere that 80% of the American public believes that we don’t know the truth behind the JFK assassination.

We may never know the truth. But I do know that America changed 50 years ago tomorrow. Though we changed and still haven’t completely healed, we are a strong, resilient nation. I knew that then and know that now – that hasn’t changed.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

Arthur Newman

Greetings Golfers,

Watched a golf movie last night – “Arthur Newman.” It came to the theaters about 6 months ago. (I’d never heard of it).

It’s not really a golf movie, but it is a movie about an ex-Tour player (not a real player – this is a movie). This main character – played by Colin Firth – is about 45, divorced, works at Fed-Ex, and has zero relationship with his son.

So, he decides to fake his death and drive to Indiana where he has a job as a Teaching Pro waiting for him at a country club. Hiding out in a sleazy Florida motel after assuming his new identity as “Arthur Newman,” he rescues an overdosed, crazy 25 year old girl.

Here we go: mid-life crisis road trip with the hot chick. No, it’s a better movie than that … but Hollywood can’t help being Hollywood.

Of course they have fun adventures which lead to their romance … and of course everything blows up and they have to face-up to their responsibilities back home.

But that’s ok. That’s what we all have to do. Hopefully we don’t freak out and fake our own death … but we still need to have fun while living fairly responsible lives. Balance isn’t always easy, and getting too far out of balance can lead to over-reaction.

The poor guy had stopped playing golf. Don’t let this happen to you.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

Lord of the Flies

Greetings Golfers,

It’s November and we’re closed. Last weekend was pretty nice and we were pretty busy… that feels like a month ago. We’ve put the course to bed and are cleaning the Clubhouse. There’s a lot to do in the off-season and it goes by all too quickly.

That’s enough about the off-season of the golf business – these emails aren’t supposed to be boring.

The NFL’s not boring – not lately. How about the Miami Dolphins’ locker-room/hazing story? How about the Vikings beating Washington last night? I won’t go into the Washington team’s nickname issue.

But most of these NFL stories aren’t so much about football as about issues in society. That mess in Miami hasn’t blown up yet. The team is trying to keep it together … but how? by defending a racist bully? where does that lead? and the coaches – what was their role?

Seems to be a lot of confusion about roles – teammates, friends, being a man.

The bottom line is that we have to get along with each other – that’s the only way a team or a society works. Treating each other with respect is the answer. I don’t get how treating people poorly is supposed to make things better – unless you believe in keeping people down.

Maybe chivalry will make a comeback. I wish the NFL would lead the way. How cool would it be if the culture of the NFL was more like King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable – than like Piggy and the Lord of the Flies?


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

David Ortiz

Greetings Golfers,

David Ortiz – 2013 World Series MVP. Was that a fluke? Hardly. The Red Sox have broken their curse since Ortiz arrived in 2002… from the Minnesota Twins.

I know, I know … teams trade future stars all the time – no one has a crystal ball. But, look at these ex-Twins and see if you see a pattern: Johan Santana, Matt Garza, Francisco Lirianno, Carlos Gomez, Wilson Ramos, and David Ortiz?

Remember how good the Twins were in the ‘60s with Tony Oliva, Zoillo Versalles, Camelo Pascual, Cesar Tovar, Leo Cardenas, and Rod Carew? At least the Twins in those years kept their Latin players.

Just because we’re in Minnesota doesn’t mean that every Twin has to look like a hockey player.

Hurrah for Jerry Kill and the Gophers Football Team. Talk about a “Rocky” story. Did you hear Kill’s staff being interviewed after the Nebraska game? Their loyalty to Kill was moving/inspiring. I hope he can hang in there and build a strong program.

Good organizations don’t always win all of the time. But they do things right and they’re looking at the long term. They don’t cut corners and they’re open minded.
Some of these local teams need more than a quick fix … they need new organizations.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional

Course Closing for the Season Sun Evening Nov 3rd | Christmas Sale Dec 7th

Greetings Golfers,

Obviously this isn’t my usual Friday morning email. That’s because I feel I need to tell you a couple of things.

First: We’re closing the course on the night of Sunday, Nov. 3.  I’m often asked why we close if there’s a possibility of nice weather in November. Well, in a few days, it will be dark by 5pm. If a typical round takes 4 hours, then the last tee time is 1pm. If we have our usually frosty mornings, we can’t start tee times until 10am (if we’re lucky). Also, because we blow out the irrigation system, we can’t water and heal up divots, etc. So, to provide you the quality of turf that you expect next Spring – we shut her down.

Second: Our annual Christmas Sale will be held on Saturday, December 7. More info to follow.

Don’t waste this weekend … you know what your Grandpa used to say “Waste not, want not.”


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional