
Greetings Golfers,

We all know the saying: “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”

It can mean a lot of different things. Someone intends to do the right thing, and does nothing, but feels that’s enough. Or, they did something that turned out to be a disaster though it was well intended.

I give credit for well intentions. That saying almost seems like an excuse not to have good intentions.

Fairly often I read an obituary of a “wonderful” person who was committed to “great causes” … though the obit states that they were cruel to employees and family members. That the “ends justifies the means”. Ugh. Do you buy that? I sure don’t.

Shouldn’t it be both? Good intentions and good works? I don’t trust one without the other.

Or the sweethearts who “just want to help” … while they interfere where they’re not wanted and make things worse and insult people in the process.

Are those really good intentions? I don’t think so. It’s just a power trip disguised as good intentions.

The longer I live, the more I’m convinced that Narcissists are the enemy of the human race. They really don’t care about what they do to other people. We have a sign on the #1 tee box that says “No sunflower seeds”. I played with the Mens League yesterday and empty shells were all over the place. It’s really fun to pick up with my hands gross shells from someone’s mouth. A Narcissist will rationalize that the seeds are natural, etc … but, if they get on the green, they get rolled into the putting surface … not conducive to a smooth surface. Or, playing at a slow pace … it’s their “right” to slow up everyone else’s round.

Some people claim a lack of awareness. Hmmm. So, it’s not bad intention? But, isn’t a lack of awareness a lack of intention? And isn’t a lack of intention/awareness just Narcissism?

You  know how you can feel if someone wants to play well … or not play well? Their intention paves the way to a round from Heaven or Hell.

So here’s my saying: “The road AWAY from Hell is paved with good intentions and good deeds”.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

Deer Run Golf Club
8661 Deer Run Drive
Victoria, MN 55386
(952) 443-2351