The Shoulder Swing Slice

Greetings Golfers,

Just gave an older guy a quick golf lesson. He was tired of slicing his driver.

Why did it slice? Well, the clubface was open at impact. A driver has a pretty flat face, so it has more sidespin than irons. Irons have a lot of loft which minimizes sidespin. That is why so many people slice their driver and not their irons.

Was I able to help him? Yeah … I had him close the face at impact. What does that mean? That means rolling over the golf club with your hands and wrists during your swing. Here’s how it feels: Swing a driver waist high like a baseball bat. Your wrists naturally roll the club over. The same thing should happen with a golf club. Should. But doesn’t because most people don’t swing the golf club.

Why not? Probably because the ball is on the ground. That makes most people try to scoop it up in the air with their wrists – especially with an iron. That scooping action opens the face and causes high slices. Or they beat down on it like killing a snake. It feels pretty strong … but isn’t very effective. The snake-killing action usually keeps the face open … also leading to a slice.

So … most people try to square up the club face with their shoulders. I see this type of swing all the time. This shoulder swing causes a lot of problems. Not only is it really tough to square up the clubface … but it actually stops proper body action. When the shoulders start the downswing, the rest of the body stops moving. Just try it and see. When the shoulders start first, the hips and legs and feet stop moving. This is not a good thing.

A good golf swing puts the body in the correct position to hit the ball with the hands. The correct position is that the hands start to hit the ball from a waist-high position to a waist-high follow through. Not from the shoulders at the ball.

Practice swinging a club waist-high to waist-high. Then hit balls with that waist-high swing. Feel your hands actually hit the ball and then extend out at the target.

The whole point of the full swing is to windup and then get you back into that same waist-high position on the downswing.

Golf is the art of hitting with your hands … from a waist high position. Get rid of your shoulder swing and get rid of your slice.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

Deer Run Golf Club
8661 Deer Run Drive
Victoria, MN 55386
(952) 443-2351