Old School Golf – with new tools

Greetings Golfers,

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been the Administrator for a site called Old School Golf. I used to read it pretty frequently and post on it fairly regularly. So, when the former Admin left, he chose me to take over. Also, he knew that I didn’t want to monetize it or have that sort of an agenda. But, I did have an agenda – I wanted to spur interesting discussions about golf. And all aspects of golf: playing, teaching, managing, history, the Tour, etc.

It’s a pretty good site. However, I haven’t exactly taken it to a new level. Some of my “conversation starters” have been successful, but most seem to fall pretty flat. Actually, I get much more interesting responses to my blog … but that’s not an online discussion. Maybe people don’t want to risk saying what they really think in a public forum. When you say something online … it just sits there … you can’t take it back. And sometimes if it gets heated, people get nasty.

G.K. Chesterton said: “It is generally the man that is not ready to argue, who is ready to sneer”. Sneering shuts down interesting arguments … and the threat of sneering probably stops a lot people from even posting. Being the Admin, I can boot out hostile people, but it’s been harder to create the culture I want than I thought it would be.

The name isn’t just Old School Golf … it’s actually: Old School Golf – with new tools. Fine with me either way. I get it. It’s not just a site for golf reactionaries … but for people who respect golf’s past and are still interested in the modern game. And the culture that I’m trying to create is based on the human side of golf. I have no problem with the “new tools” side of golf … I just don’t want it to be the focus. Personally, I’m not using wooden shafts and feathery golf balls … in fact I’m using a ridiculously modern goofy driver from Japan. But what really interests me is the human aspect of golf and I want to drive those discussions.

As I said, I’ve only been the Admin since early this year. It takes time to build a culture – just ask PJ Fleck. But even if I get everyone to “row the boat” on OSG … I probably won’t get PJ’s salary.


Tom Abts
GM/Head PGA Professional

Deer Run Golf Club
8661 Deer Run Drive
Victoria, MN 55386
(952) 443-2351