Golf Men’s Leagues

Greetings Golfers,

Our Men’s League played yesterday. Even though it officially started weeks ago, yesterday was the first nice Thursday of the year.

Not only was the weather nice, but the league was nice – it’s a bunch of great guys.

Why am I writing about it? Well, golf course Men’s Leagues are not always nice. In fact many moons ago, we at Deer Run probably had the largest Men’s League in Minnesota – over 400 members. Was that league nice? Yeah … in its early years.

But as time went by and the Men’s League grew into a giant, it also grew into a monster. Was it made up of all bad guys? Not all. It was mostly good guys. But over time, the culture changed. It didn’t evolve – it devolved. They thought that they ran Deer Run GC and that they had a license to do whatever they wanted.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t find a demanding sense of entitlement very charming. Their attitude, shenanigans, and fistfights weren’t very cool.

So – they got the heave-ho. You can only imagine the reaction. I knew it would be hostile … but it was beyond that – the reaction just proved why it had to go.

The golf world is very small. That winter – while at the PGA Golf Show in Orlando – I had PGA Pros from all over the country come up and congratulate on pulling the trigger. Everyone had horror stories of nightmare Men’s Leagues.

That was a different Men’s League. Our present Men’s League is fantastic.

Thanks guys.


Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional