Greetings Golfers,
Scotland had two historic votes yesterday. One was close and the other wasn’t.
The members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews voted by 85% to admit women members. And the citizens of Scotland voted 55% to remain subjects of Great Britain.
I wonder what Mary Queen of Scots (Bloody Mary) would have thought of these two votes. In 1567, she was seen playing golf shortly after the death of her husband… at St. Andrews Golf Club.
The Scots are known for being feisty, independent people – male and female. Golf is a game for feisty, independent people. I’m not surprised by the St. Andrews vote. But I am surprised by the vote for Scottish independence.
I’ll admit that I like to imbibe in a little whiskey when I play golf – Scotch, Irish, or Kentucky whiskey. But this weekend I’ll change to a Bloody Mary… in honor of the Scots – especially Mary Queen of Scots.
Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional