The Pursuit of the Truth

Greetings Golfers,

I’m writing this from the PGA Show in Orlando. I love the PGA Show as much as anyone (probably more). I get to spend 3 or 4 days seeing the latest in

 golf clubs and golf clothing.
And, everything from cigars to golf carts to range pickers to tee time software … and the latest crazy gadgets and inventions.

But, what I really love is seeing the other people in the golf business. Most of them are really into it. Probably the most intense and passionate are the golf swing instructors … they are on a pursuit of the truth. The arguments about the golf swing are about as intense as our political arguments today in America.

Tuesday evening had a forum of some gurus of the golf swing world. I’m sure most of you know who Brandel Chamblee is of the Golf Channel. He’s become well known as a bright anaylist … and a brash, opinionated guy. I’ve always gotten a kick out of him … but, I’ve got friends and family who can’t stand him. I don’t think they object to his ideas as much as they don’t like his manner … they think he’s arrogant and brash. And that’s their opinion. I love opinions. That’s why I get a kick out of Chamblee. But, not everyone believes in the freedom of speech. They say they do … but, not really. They want to shut down people who have opinions they don’t like. Obviously, if you find someone rudely opinionated … you don’t have to hang around them. However, they do have a right to voice their opinions in debates, forums, or the press.

I heard that about 30 golf instructors wanted to come and disrupt Chamblee’s presentation at Tueday’s forum … but, weren’t allowed in. If they were planning on causing a riot and not letting Chamblee speak … that’s not right. But, if they just wanted to debate him, I believe they should have had that opportunity.

Well, after Chamblee gave his talk, he was in the lobby talking with the guys that invited me to the forum. So, of course we got into talking about the golf swing. Here’s a link of your’s truly showing Chamblee some drills that I think are vital for beginning golfers. Too often, golf instructors are only interested in what’s the best technique for the best players in the world. There is not nearly enough information about what beginning golfers need to learn … and how the golf swing progresses and evolves. Most golfers are totally confused about the golf swing. And too many golf instructors are too obsessed with their idea of the perfect swing … to the detriment of what most people need to understand so that they can practice simple drills and become better players.

And maybe we’re having the same problems in political discourse in America. Of course people are going to have different ideas. That’s healthy. But it’s not healthy if people are not allowed to express their differing opinions. The pursuit of the truth is worth the price.

Tom Abts
GM/Head Golf Professional