Greetings Golfers,
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
We’ve all heard that saying … but what does it mean? Simply, it means that wanting to do something isn’t good enough. It means you actually HAVE to do it.
When I interview people, I’m very concerned that they “get it” … that they understand our culture … that they have good intentions. But, I also have to sense if they will do it … not just intend to do it.
The secret is commitment. Commitment can feel rigid. But that rigid feeling means that you’re all in. And you need to be all in to really do what you intend to do.
A good golfer needs to be committed to every golf shot. Golfers always talk about focus. I think what they really mean is commitment.
In the book “How We Talk Can Change the Way We Work” is a great paragraph:
“The language of complaint, essentially tells us and others, what we can’t stand. The language of commitment tells us (and others) what we stand for. Without having our complaints taken away, and without giving them up,the language of commitment enables us to make a shift from experiencing ourselves as primarily disappointed, complaining, wishful critical people to experiencing ourselves as committed people who hold particular convictions about which is most valuable, most precious, and most deserving of being defended or promoted.”
Commitment is the road to Heaven.
Tom Abts
GM and Head Golf Professional